5 Simple Tips to Boost Energy Levels in Seniors

Seniors have to deal with low energy levels on a daily basis,so it isnot something to be taken lightly. We all generally slow down as we age, and despite wanting to get out more, we often just don’t have the energy. This, in turn, becomes discouraging and frustrating,and may lead to other mental health issues. If you have recently started experiencing fatigue that cannot be cured with a good night’s sleep, donot worry. These natural and safe methods are effective energy boosters that can aid in achieving the vigour you may be lacking. Continue readingto discover five tips from which you can benefit.
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Image Source – https://bit.ly/2oxl0nY

Ways to Increase Energy Levels as You Age

  1. Drink Plenty of Water

Seniors should make a conscious effort to boost their energy, by drinking plenty of water.This is an easy thing to do and perhaps the most often overlooked. Not staying hydratedcan have a devastating effect on one’s energy levels. As we age, it becomes more difficult for our body to recognize that we are dehydrated. The condition isnot just an unhealthy one;it can also slow down your metabolism. A good target is to consume approximately eight glasses of water a day. It is also vital to incorporate foods with higher water content into your diet.

  1. Improve Your Heart Health

Cardiovascular or aerobic exercise is known to increase an individual’s heart rate. Biking, jogging and running are good examples of this. When a person is stressed, they tend to stay up later, age faster and feel like all the energy has been drained from them. This makes it difficult to function at optimum levels. Ways to relieve stress include:

  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Talking to a loved one
  • Meeting with a therapist

You should notice a change in your mood and energy levels almost instantly.

  1. Stop Smoking

This holds true for any age group and is even more important for seniors. Both chewing tobacco and cigarettes are extremely unhealthy and are known to increase the risk of insomnia. The nicotine in these products acts as a stimulant by increasing heart rate and raising blood pressure but provides only a short burst of energy. Smokers also have a weaker lung capacity than their non-smoking counterparts, meaningthat their lungs donot supply enough oxygen to their muscles or brain to function at their best. This, in turn, decreases energy levels, so it is best to avoid smoking altogether.

  1. Change Your Diet

Deficiencies of both minerals and vitamins can make you excessively tired. Also, consuming too many carbs can make you feel lazy and sluggish. This is generally caused by starchy foods like pastas and breads.A high-protein diet is a good source of energy.Proteins also take longer than carbs to break down in your body, resulting in an individual feeling energetic for longer. Choose lean proteins such as turkey, chicken or tuna and pair it with quinoa or a bed of spinach. Hard-boiled eggs can also boost protein levels and are a great source of vitamin B and D.

  1. Make a Bedtime Routine

If you donot sleep particularly well, you cannot expect to wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Many seniors suffer from sleep-related issues that spoil the possibility of them waking up well. If you have been suffering from something that sounds similar to this and nothing seems to work, consider consulting a doctor. Conditions like chronic insomnia and sleep apnea often requiremedical attention to be resolved.
You should also cultivate good sleeping habits. These include avoiding television before bed, limiting technology in the bedroom, creating and following a bedtime routine and making the room as dark as possible.These are simple tipsthat will doubtless go a long way towards making you sleep better and feeling more energetic throughout your day.
Incorporatingany or all of these tips into your daily routine will increase yourenergy levels. Keep track of how you feel after trying each of them out to understand what works for you and what doesnot. We all have different body types and not every piece of advice will suit everyone. But if you focus on embracing self-care, youcan feel energized as you age.

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