Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors

As you age, your senses begin to weaken and your metabolism also starts slowing down. This makes it more likely for you to develop chronic conditions. However, it is possible for you to ensure your well-being by making healthy and smart eating choices. Healthier eating habits can make you feel better. It may not be easy to get started, but if you can manage to develop a few good habits early on, it will be easier following them over time. Remember, it’s never too late to start eating well for a better life.
Here are some tips to help you start improving your nutritional health as you age.

  • Eat different kinds of foods

Eating different foods ensures that you receive proper nutrients that your body needs. A healthy meal consists of low-fat dairy, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats. You can also try being adventurous and look for recipes involving vegetables and fruits which you may not have tried before. Try and mix different combinations to give your food a twist.

  • Drink plenty of liquids

As we age, our sense of thirst starts decreasing and seniors often fail to realise that they are not consuming enough fluids. Lack of fluid in the body can result in various complications including but not limited to dehydration. For seniors, it is recommended to drink water and sometimes a low-calorie beverage to keep them well-hydrated.

  • Cook your own meals

Meals available at restaurants and processed foods are usually unnecessarily high in sugar and salt. It’s also easy not to think about what you are eating when someone else is cooking. Cooking your own meals enables you to regulate the consumption of different ingredients. Although it takes time, cooking your own meals gives you power over whatever you eat. You can also search online and find different recipes with ingredients which suit your dietary needs.

  • Minimize your table salt use

Our sense of taste tends to decline as we age. Hence, most seniors have to add extra salt to their dishes to enhance the flavour. But what most people fail to realise is that the consumption of too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and can ultimately also lead to a stroke, heart or even kidney diseases. The daily consumption of sodium should not exceed 2,300 milligrams.

  • Reduce consumption of sugar

Refined sugar is loaded with empty calories which means it doesn’t offer any nutritional value. Try to reduce sugar consumption from your diet and switch to eating more whole foods which are naturally sweet like yams, sweet peppers and fruits.

  • Turn eating into a social event

Sharing a meal is much more fun than having it alone. Seniors who live on their own can have company over during mealtimes. Seniors living in assisted living facilities can join one another for meals. Some assisted living facilities also provide community halls where all the residents can find company to dine with.
Any time of year is a good time to start eating healthy and committing to better habits. You already know whatever we eat contributes greatly to us staying healthy during the later years. Start taking precautionary steps today!

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